Sunday, September 25, 2016

Politics and government of Indonesia

Indonesia governing democratic multiparty presidential republic. As in other democratic countries, the political system in Indonesia is based on Trias Politica, namely the legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power is held by an organization called the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).

MPR had been a unicameral highest state institution, but after the amendment of the 4th Assembly is not the highest institution again, and changed the composition of its membership. MPR after the amendment of the 1945 Constitution, which since 2004 was transformed into an institution bicameral consisting of 560 members of the House of Representatives (DPR) which is representative of the people through political parties, along with 132 members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), who represents the province of independent paths. [29] DPR and DPD members are elected through elections and sworn in for a five-year term. Previously, members of the Assembly are all members of Parliament plus group representatives and TNI / Polri. MPR is currently chaired by Zulkifli Hasan. Parliament is currently chaired by Ade Komarudin, whereas DPD is currently chaired by Irman Gusman.

The executive institution centered on the president, vice president, and the cabinet. Cabinet in Indonesia is the Presidential Cabinet in which the ministers responsible to the president and does not represent a political party in the parliament. Nonetheless, the current President Joko Widodo promoted by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle also pointed to a number of leaders of Political Parties to sit in cabinet. The goal is to maintain the stability of government given the strong position of the legislature in Indonesia. But the key posts and positioned generally filled by the party minister without portfolio (coming from someone who is considered an expert in the field).

Image 2 White House
The judicial institution since the reform and the amendment of the 1945 Constitution is run by the Supreme Court, the Judicial Commission and the Constitutional Court, including the administration of the judges. Nevertheless the presence of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights will be retained.

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