Sunday, September 25, 2016

Indonesian independence

In March 1945 the Japanese formed a committee for Indonesian independence. After the Pacific war ended in 1945, under pressure from youth organizations, Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945 which at the time was the month of Ramadan. After independence, the three founding fathers Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta and Sutan Sjahrir each served as president, vice president and prime minister. In an effort to regain control of Indonesia, the Netherlands sent their troops.

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Attempts to quell bloody independence movement came to be known by the Dutch as a 'police action' (Politionele Actie), otherwise known by the people of Indonesia as a military aggression. The Netherlands finally received the right Indonesia's independence on December 27, 1949 as a federal state called the Republic of Indonesia States after receiving strong pressure from the international community, especially the United States. Mosi Integral Natsir on August 17, 1950, calling for the return of the unitary Republic of Indonesia and the United States of Indonesia disband. Soekarno again became president with Mohammad Hatta as vice president and as prime minister Mohammad Natsir.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the government of Sukarno began to follow once pioneering non-aligned movement at first, later to be closer to the socialist bloc, for example, the People's Republic of China and Yugoslavia. The 1960s witnessed the military confrontation against neighboring Malaysia ("Confrontation"), and dissatisfaction with growing economic hardship. In 1965 it erupted G30S incident that caused the death of six generals and a number of other middle-ranking officers. New force that calls itself the New Order who immediately accused the Communist Party of Indonesia as the brains behind this incident and intends to overthrow the legitimate government and replacing national ideology be based on the socialist-communist. This accusation was once used as an excuse to replace the old government under President Sukarno.

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General Suharto became Acting President in 1967 on the grounds to secure the country from the threat of communism. While the physical condition weakened Sukarno himself. After Suharto, hundreds of thousands of Indonesian citizens suspected of involvement in the communist party were killed, while many more Indonesian citizens who are residing abroad, did not dare to return to their homeland, and eventually revoked his citizenship. Thirty-two years of the Soeharto years called New Order, while the Soekarno regime called the Old Order.

Suharto implement neoliberal economics and managed to bring huge foreign investment to enter Indonesia and generate substantial economic growth, although uneven. At the beginning of the New Order Indonesia both economic policy drawn up by a group of economists graduated from Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, called the "Berkeley mafia". However, Suharto and his family enriched by corruption, collusion, and nepotism is widespread and he was eventually forced to step down after massive demonstrations and the worsening economic conditions in 1998.

Transitional Reform Order or the Reform Era lasted from 1998 to 2001, when there were three future presidents: Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati Sukarnoputri. In 2004, General Election held in the world's largest single-day, which was won by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, as the president elected directly by the people, who served for two terms (2004-2009 and 2009-2014).

Indonesia is experiencing economic problems, political and religious nuances conflict in the country, and some areas are trying to escape from the auspices of the Homeland, especially Papua. East Timor formally broke away in 1999 after 24 years together with Indonesia and three years under UN administration, East Timor became the country.

In December 2004 and March 2005, Aceh and Nias hit by two major earthquakes which in total killed hundreds of thousands of lives. (See the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and the Sumatra earthquake of March 2005.) This incident was followed by the Yogyakarta earthquake and tsunami that hit Pangandaran and surrounding areas, as well as mud flood in Sidoarjo in 2006 are not being solved.

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